Saturday, August 10, 2013

One of the generally accepted opinions among the human race seems to be that although parts of nature, they are separate from it.

I don't know, it may have been expected 10,000 years ago.
It might be argued that it was tolerable 5,000 years ago.
I feel there was some growing frustration over it 2,000 years ago
Yet well into the first quarter of the 21st century the being known as human has not solved for why; as a body.

If you know the laws of nature, you started solving for the why already.
You just haven't connected them to the entire scale of nature yet.
If you have thought it all the way through, combining in part and whole the laws applied to the entire scale and contend that;
     there are separations in nature so distinctive that the laws of Life/Nature do not apply,
I contend that you do not understand the why of the laws of nature or haven't a clue how they interrelate.
Or you're and idiot or insane or both; and we both know it.

Relativity is reality not a theory.
Nothing exists until it is observed, confirmed and freely agreed upon by the observes to be reality
There can not be acceptance by all parties that it is fact until all reasonable doubts were reasonably dealt with.
If the parties freely agree to the existence, it exists as fact.
It is not truth but it is another piece of truth.
It can only become unreal if there is enough reasonable evidence to support that it is no longer real through the same means in which it was created.
Look to the extinct species in your gas tanks for the proof.
Unless those conditions are met in order nothing is real or unreal, exists or is nonexistent.

I can sense this is getting us no where so here.
What function is performed by life?
If you said survive you win the first round.  If not, you can still win your share of grand prize drawing.

IF NEED IS DEFINED  TO BE: That which you can not hope to survive without.
Every form of life needs the same exact things to survive.
Will, means, and existence.
After that it is a perpetual motion system.

if you understand that the purpose is to live you'll see that the next second, is the first second of the rest of your life; as is every next second after that for eternity.
Understand if you dare get passed it scaring you because everything, literately everything depends upon it

The easy questions are how, where, when and who and they in turn answer the other whys.

If cells are exact representations of the whole, how do you know you're the whole.
If you think about it, you may not be such a hole.

When the why is solved there is no mistaking that the why is behind every other why, all the hows and whens and wheres and even whos.